was established in 2019 as an exclusive Factory Outlet Online store selling authentic and high-quality Kurtis for women. With our growing popularity and positive response from the customers, we started a new line of gorgeous kurtis in 2019 . We have carved a unique niche for ourselves as the sellers of the highest quality dress materials and kurtis in India. Our products are being sold throughout the length and breadth of the nation and we take great pride in introducing new designs and collections to our customers every year.
At , we believe that the customer must get value for his money. We select high quality materials and which are stitched by the best workers in the city to ensure good quality of kurtis. We want our customers to carry an air of exuberance and effortless style while wearing our designs. The Kurtis are designed for the hot Indian weather. They are soft, fluid and breathable – perfect for an all-day wear even if you are going outside.
We make customer satisfaction our preference and never compromise on the quality of our products. Whenever you are buying from, you can be sure that you are getting complete value for your money. All the products bring the latest and greatest in design and fashion to your doorstep and make you feel like an ethnic diva. Check out our catalogue to find the most suitable styles for you and other beautiful women you know. We celebrate women’s beauty at and ensure that they keep looking mesmerizing and amazing forever.
In using the service of Shagun Kurtis. you are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions listed below
All products/services and information displayed on constitute an “invitation to offer”. Your order for purchase constitutes your “offer” which shall be subject to the terms and conditions as listed below. Shagun Kurtis reserves the right to accept or reject your offer. If you have supplied us with your valid email address, we will notify you by email as soon as possible to confirm receipt of your order and email you again to confirm details and therefore process the order. Our acceptance of your order will take place upon dispatch of the product(s) ordered. No act or omission of J R Mantra prior to the actual dispatch of the product(s) ordered will constitute acceptance of your offer.
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